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Wholesale Tea

Wholesale Tea

7th Feb 2016

At Native American Tea Company, our well-established and highly helps people around the world to enjoy unique blends of teas. Our growing business welcomes wholesalers who are interested in making wholesale tea available through their own specialty shops, restaurants and tea houses. Consider these reasons why our wholesale tea products are right for your needs.

Unique Blends

We are proud to offer many unique blends of wholesale tea. Some of our most popular blends include Chief's Delight, Indian Love Tea, Warrior's Brew, Teepee Dreams, Good Medicine, Victory Tea and Green Tea. Our wholesale blends include herbal, black, distribution. Our teas are different from the options available in mass merchandise stores, and offering them to your customers may increase your market share. By offering our handcrafted tea blends, you may enjoy a greater level of loyalty from your customers who are passionate about their daily cups of tea.  Our 24 and 36 count variety packs make a perfect starting point for any business wanting to try our teas.

Most Popular Worldwide Beverage

Hot tea is the most popular beverage in the world. By including wholesale tea in your offerings, you may be able to expand your customer base. Our delectable teas are best brewed hot, but can be served iced as well. Hot or iced teas are consumed around the world and are a part of daily life and important traditions to many cultures and populations. Offering our wide variety of teas that have been bagged and packed in Aberdeen, South Dakota allows your business to serve the desires that your customers have for top quality beverages.

Represents Native American History

Our wholesale tea is a beautiful representation of Native American history. Included in every box of individually wrapped tea bags is a piece of original Native American art. These images showcase the Native American way of life and important parts of history. Many of the drawings and paintings also include the plants from which the teas are made. We are proud of our heritage and long history of brewing fine teas. By including these important pieces of our history, we are able to help others learn about our heritage.

Our Partnerships

We are proud to have strong and long lasting partnerships with popular retailers such as QVC, the Smithsonian and Mt. Rushmore's gift shops and visitor centers. The popularity of our teas continues to grow among American customers and worldwide tea drinkers. We look forward to doing more wholesale business for tea with your company.