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Benefits of Herbal Tea

22nd Oct 2015

Herbal Tea (herbal infusions including leaves, seeds, flowers, herbs or roots mixed in boiling water) have acquired great popularity all over the world for many reasons. First of all, the range of tastes to enjoy is endless, and there is certainly a taste to suit all palates. Then of course there are countless health benefits to be found by the consumption of herbal tea. In fact there are so many herbal tea benefits that it's amazing how little we take advantage of them. First of all, herbal tea is good for our overall health. Herbal tea can not only act as a disease barrier, but will also provide nutritional value to our bodies. It removes many toxic substances, and also has a soothing psychological effect. Our digestive system also benefits from the drinking of herbal tea. Other Herbal Tea Benefits include the building up of a healthy heart, a boost in energy and overall wellness. These teas or tisanes as they are also called don’t actually contain tea (such as green, white, black and oolong, which are prepared from the cured leaves of the tea plant Camellia Sinensis) and as such are caffeine free. Again this is good news for our overall health. Just like true teas, herbal infusions can be consumed hot or cold. As they are caffeine free they can be consumed throughout the day and are particularly great just before bed.

The wild cherry tree is responsible for bringing us one of the best herbal teas in the world. This magnificent tree covers the eastern half of North America, with great branches full of beautiful flowers and fruit. The wild cherry tree is a favorite for landscaping because of its beauty, especially in the spring, when its branches are covered in fragrant white cherry blossoms. The fruit it produces is popular in a variety of recipes, but it is not its leaves, flowers or fruit that is used to produce our fine herbal tea. Wild cherry bark tea is made from the powdered bark, and produces a cherry-like scent, complementing the pleasant, earthy taste it offers. Wild Cherry Bark Tea not only tastes great, but as you might guess, has many health benefits too. Wild cherry bark is a natural source of calcium, iron and potassium. It also contains a number of active constituents, including flavonoids like quercetin and kaempferol, coumarins, gallic acid, and acetylcholine. Many of these constituents offer antioxidant properties, making wild cherry bark tea a fine addition to any herbal tea collection. Wild cherry bark also contains amygdalin, also called prunasin, a toxic glycoside found in the seeds of many species of Rosaceae including bitter almonds, peaches, apricots and loquat, an herb used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to assuage coughing. The unique property of prunasin is its ability to inhibit the cough reflex, especially for dry coughs, which in recent years has been one of the more serious long-term complications in the aftermath of influenza. Our unique and natural blend of wild cherry bark tea here at The Native American Tea Company will not only improve your health but will provide a soothing, tasty and enjoyable beverage for years to come.