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Benefits of Spearmint Tea

8th Jan 2015

Many Americans prefer tea as their hot beverage of choice. Teas can be comprised of different fruits and herbs that allow for pleasant aromatics and health benefits. Wholesale tea, loose leaf tea, and pre-packaged teas are all incredibly popular in the United States. One of the most popular types of tea is Spearmint tea. This wonderfully aromatic tea tastes wonderful and has some health benefits that the drinker may not know about.

Spearmint is a member of the Mint family and this is why their aromatics are quite similar. It is widely used within medicines, teas, health foods, and health products. The health benefits of Spearmint have been widely researched. Spearmint is packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that the body needs. When brewed into a tea and drunk, those vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants are passed along to the drinker.

Antioxidants help the body fight off infection, illnesses, and diseases by warding off the oxidation process. The antioxidants, phenolic and flavonoids, are found in high concentration within spearmint and can help increase natural antioxidant levels within the body. Spearmint has also been shown to have great antifungal properties to help keep the drinker strong and healthy.

It is no secret that Mint (and all of its derivatives; Peppermint and Spearmint) can help settle an upset stomach. For thousands of years individuals just chewed the Mint leaves to help with digestion, decrease nausea, or to settle an upset stomach. Research has shown that the properties of Spearmint will also help relax abdominal musculature which will help with nausea.

Spearmint tea is a wonderful addition to your daily life. Drinking teas that consist of certain herbs will increase health benefits. Native American Teas offers wholesale tea, tea blends, and Spearmint teas. Stop by to pick up your favorite Spearmint tea or blend!  Try Good Medicine today!